Positive psychology has been flourishing in Switzerland since its early days: The University of Zurich has been offering university-level courses on positive psychology since 2003. A recent review on positive psychology research has identified the University of Zurich as the most productive research institution in Europe and among the leading institutions worldwide (Donaldson, Dollwet, & Rao, 2015).
This has mainly been accomplished by the contributions of Prof. Dr. Willibald Ruch who helped put positive psychology forward from early on in Switzerland (e.g., in the fields of character strength and virtue research, works on humor, laughter, positive emotions, positive interventions, resources in the workplace).
In promoting the exchange of knowledge with the public and fostering evidence-based applications of positive Ppsychology in Switzerland, Prof. Ruch and his team founded the Swiss Positive Psychology Association (SWIPPA) and created a Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in Positive Psychology in Switzerland.
Swiss Positive Psychology Association (SWIPPA)
The SWIPPA has been founded in 2014 and is lead by several leading experts in research and practice in Switzerland. It organizes yearly congresses on positive psychology and it is addressed to researchers, practitioners and interested people.
This year’s SWIPPA congress will take place soon, on the 27th of November, and will cover keynote lectures (such as by past IPPA president Prof. Dr. Carmelo Vázquez) and workshops on basics and applications of positive psychology in the fields of research, business, coaching, resilience, and humor.
Registering for the November 27 conference in Zurich
Registration is still possible and further information (in German) can be found on here.
We also feature information about many other positive psychology conferences.
Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in Positive Psychology
The CAS in Positive Psychology has been offered since 2015 at the University of Zurich and features lecturers from various disciplines (such as psychology, philosophy, business, and other areas of applied sciences), with renowned experts in their fields.
The CAS is the first university-based course in the German-speaking area. It includes four modules over the course of two semesters. Among the topics covered in the syllabus are:
- Foundations of Positive Psychology
- The Good Life: Philosophical and psychological theories and measurement of well-being
- Positive Traits: Virtues, values, character strengths
- Positive Emotions: Theoretical considerations and assessment
- Specific topics of Positive Psychology
- Positive Institutions
- Positive Ageing
- Positive Psychology in Partnership
- Humor, Citizenship
- Applications of Positive Psychology
- Positive Psychology Interventions: Basics and specific applications (e.g., strengths-based and humor-based interventions)
- Positive Education
- Positive Therapy
Apply Now!
Additionally, participants will complete a self-selected project on a positive psychology topic.
The CAS is aimed at individuals from a variety of backgrounds, such as psychologists or people without a degree in psychology that are interested in applying positive psychology in their professional area.
For 2015, no more applications are possible, but registration for 2016 is still open. For further information visit here or contact us via E-Mail at cas_positive@psychologie.uzh.ch.
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